67 Morkels Cl, Halfway House, Midrand, 1685 +27 10 010 0685 info@eltsolutions.co.za


Home Services

We perform internal, gap, risk, and benchmarking audits to assess compliance with relevant standards and codes of practice, ensuring adherence and identifying areas for improvement.

  • Internal Audit: Sometimes referred to as First Party Audits, these are conducted by or on behalf of the organization itself to ensure internal compliance and operational effectiveness.
  • Gap Analysis / Benchmarking: This assessment evaluates a client’s current system against the relevant standard’s requirements. It identifies gaps and provides the client with actionable insights to develop a plan for achieving successful certification.
  • Risk Audit: This involves examining and documenting the effectiveness of risk responses to identified risks and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the risk management process.
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+27 10 010 0685

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67 Morkels Cl, Halfway House, Midrand, South Africa


+27 10 010 0685

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